Saturday, May 11, 2013

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  • The Romans thought walnuts were a sex medicine, enhancing desire and fertility, and scattered them over marrying couples.
  • Walnuts can cut your risk of diabetes, ease stress, help prevent Alzheimer's and protect against breast and prostate cancer.
  • In ancient Greece and medieval Britain, doctors used walnuts to treat mental illness and headaches, believing the nuts brain-shaped kernel symbolized its curative powers.
  • California grows 60% of the world's walnuts - more than 303,000 tons a year (about 25% of the states production comes from right here in Butte County).
As a kid growing up it was a sure sign that the holiday season (Thanksgiving to Christmas) was upon us when the large bowl of  in-shell mixed nuts showed up with crackers and nut picks. Truly a Hall family tradition. In fact our Christmas stockings were sure to contain some of those nuts and a tangerine or two. You know the nuts I'm talking about … brazils, hazels, pecans, almonds and of course walnuts. By the end of the holiday season they were all gone, but my recollection is the walnuts were always the last ones to go. Seems they were the low man on the nut totem pole.
I was looking to increase my HDL cholesterol (the good cholesterol) and was pleasantly surprised to find the lowly walnut was high on the list of foods containing omega-3 fatty acids which is a very good way to increase the good cholesterol.
Come to find out walnuts may be considered a "superfood".

Consider the following:
  1. Thanks to the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids they contain, walnuts are very beneficial to all aspects of the cardiovascular system. Research has found that just a few walnuts per day may help to reduce blood pressure.
  2. Walnuts contain omega-3 fatty acids, which have been found to effectively lower cholesterol levels. People with high cholesterol can significantly lower their levels by eating walnuts and other foods that are high in fiber and essential fatty acids.
  3. Research has found walnuts to be promising in the fight against cancer. Studies on human subjects found that a few walnuts per day significantly reduced the risk of prostate cancer, while animal studies have found similar results on the risk of breast cancer. 
  4. The omega-3 fatty acids in walnuts are great for the brain. Eating walnuts as well as other foods high in omega-3s such as seafood and flaxseed can maintain and improve memory and overall cognitive function.
  5. Even though walnuts are high in calories and contain fat, they can actually help you to lose weight or maintain a healthy weight. The fiber, protein, vitamins and minerals can boost your health and help you to avoid eating too many other foods that are high in calories but low in nutrition.
  6. Walnuts contain bio-available melatonin, which has been found to improve sleeping patterns. Adding a few walnuts into your daily meal plan may help you to rest better at night.
  7. Because walnuts are rich in fiber, they are a great way to keep your digestive system healthy. Getting enough fiber on a daily basis is essential to keeping your bowels functioning correctly. Most sources of protein, such as meat and dairy, are lacking in fiber. So, you can get both the protein benefits and fiber benefits at the same time by eating walnuts.
Just 7 walnuts (14 halves, 1 ounce, 28 g) eaten on a daily basis could improve your overall health

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