Friday, September 6, 2013

thanks mom!

My mom was not the greatest cook. Don't get me wrong ... there are a few favorites that I fondly remember (I would kill for her pork roast with sauerkraut and dumplings), but seldom was a meal served hot. Of course raising 5 children may have played a big factor in that.

One thing that I have come to realize is that my mom, whether intentional or not, was in to health foods back in the 50's and 60's.

One of her favorite foods was avocado and we seemed to always eat nuts and tangerines in great quantities particularly at Christmas time. Apparently she was into whole grain breads; she loved pumpernickel bread in fact quite sure I got my love of rye bread from her.  Oatmeal was a staple when I was a kid as were prunes (today oatmeal and dried plums are my standard breakfast).  Fresh cucumbers and tomatoes are two vegetables I recall served regularly and carrot and celery sticks on hand for snacking. We sure ate a lot of cabbage, but I always thought that was due to our Czech heritage.

All this came to mind when I recently added wheat germ to my diet.  Something I first had when I was a kid living at home.

Thanks for everything mom!

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