I frequent diabetes and nutrition forums/discussion groups and I am constantly amazed by the things people say. For instance:
"When going to the diabetic nutritionist they are so concerned with portion size and not so much with content and that is annoying. Telling a 6'5" 300lb man that 1/4 cup of almonds will sustain him for 4 hours is crazy. I am NOT the diabetic meal police and hubby knows far better than I how to calculate carbs"
Really? I would submit that at 300 lbs. (obese, even at 6'5") he has no clue how to calculate carbs and I would further bet that portion size is more than likely his main issue. I speak from experience ... I always had a myriad of excuses and rationalizations as to why I was obese and not doing anything about it ... I'm big boned ... but I eat healthy foods ... I'm a big guy and need this much to keep me going. Yup, played those games all the way to 325 lbs. ... and a stroke. Now, at 160 lbs. I realize that there is no such thing as 'big boned', and that I really don't need that much food to keep me going and that eating healthy foods also means eating healthy amounts.
While I am venting ... John Pinette recently passed. If you never caught his act I have attached my favorite bit of his. I thought the guy was hilarious and I feel sorry for his families loss. I just found it odd that in all the reports of his death it was said that he died of 'natural' causes and none mentioned that the man was morbidly obese most of his life. I suppose this makes me a douche for mentioning it .. well, so be it.
Preach! Human beings aren't meant to tote around 300+ pounds, period. Unless you are Andre the Giant, or an NFL lineman. The diet industry is a billion dollar business with new fads and books coming out all the time. It's pretty simple. Burn more calories than you consume and take the stairs instead of the elevator.