Sunday, September 29, 2013

skip to my Lou

Having the opportunity to watch children at play I have come up with several observations.
One of which is that as adults we no longer skip.
Why is that? I think that the world would be a kinder and gentler place if the adults would just skip once in a while.
Try it ... skip ... Even for a second or 2 and then try and hold a mean or aggressive thought.
It can't be done.
 And there you have it, my suggestion for world peace.

Got to go and make travel plans for Oslo.

1 comment:

  1. I once got my friend to skip through the halls at IBM when I was working there in TX. We almost ran over a second line manager. Figured it was best not to stop.

    Almost as bad as knocking over a Colonel while wearing full AFROTC uniform and sliding down the banister. Flew off the banister at the bottom of the stairs, snapped to full attention, saluted, waited for him to return the salute out of reflex, and beat a hasty retreat out of the building before he could full process what had happened. He never brought up the incident.
