Monday, January 13, 2014

Okra, it ain't just fer rednecks no more ...

In my ongoing quest for 'super foods' I occasionally get a surprise. Tonight I was both surprised and delighted to find that okra, slimey ol' southern okra, could be considered a 'super food'. I found it via a post in a diabetes forum I frequent. It was being touted as a possible 'cure for diabetes' ... of course it's not. What it is, besides being yummy, is a little vegetable packed with all manner of good stuff.

Popular around the world, it is common in Indian and Pakistani cuisine, in fact India is far and away the worlds leading producer of Okra.  Many English speaking countries call them lady fingers.

Here are some of okra's claim to fame:

  • Okra Promotes a Healthy Pregnancy - An extremely important B vitamin for producing and maintaining new cells, folate is an essential compound for optimal pregnancy. The vitamin helps prevent birth defects like spina bifida and helps the baby to grow sufficiently. Vitamin C is also essential for fetal development. Okra is rich in both folate and vitamin C.
  • Helps Prevent Diabetes – Thanks to fiber and other nutrients, okra proves beneficial in normalizing blood sugar in the body, helping with diabetes.
  • Helps with Kidney Disease – One study published in the October 2005 Jilin Medical Journal found that regular consumption of okra can help prevent kidney disease. In the study, “those who ate okra daily reduced clinical signs of kidney damage more than those that simply ate a diabetic diet.” This also ties in with diabetes, as nearly 50% of kidney disease cases are caused by diabetes.
  • Supports Colon Health – Okra is full of dietary fiber, which is essential for colon health and digestive health as a whole. The fiber Okra provides helps to clean out the gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency. Additionally, the vitamin A contributes to healthy mucous membranes, helping the digestive tract to operate appropriately.
Pretty impressive, huh? One thing though ... don't negate the health benefits of okra by deep frying it ... please. (I am adding okra to my vegetarian chili recipe)

1 comment:

  1. Who knew.....due to the overwhelming majority of people that fry it, especially here in Texas where I am, I automatically discounted it. Thanks for the eye-opener!
